Exam Preparation

Exam Preparation

ExamReviewing a subject in small chunks, several times in short bursts, in the same amount of time it takes to brush your teeth has a far greater impact. We call it, surfing the waves of memory.

By reviewing little and often, the connections between neurons become stronger. This means information frequently reviewed is easily retained and recalled when they need it the most, in the exam.

Once students have taken their notes, made from their Study Skills recommendations we recommend trying the following:

The Review Philosophy was recently supported by a scientific study on game player’s behavior and performance. The analysis showed that people who leave gaps between practice attempts go on to score higher.

 The difference is huge: people who leave more than 24 hours between their first five attempts at the game and their second five attempts score as highly, on average, as people who have practiced 50% more than them.

 Exam PreparationThis confirms lots of other research: studying effectively means pupils can spend less time revising and yet, remember more.

 That is the key to the Review Philosophy: work smarter, not harder.

 Student mindset is a huge obstacle to overcome. Who can blame them? The word itself, "revision", can still send shivers down our spines, even though our school days are far behind us. 

 The Review Philosophy can help engage pupils by giving them power and ownership over their learning and time. Revision doesn't have to be hours of torture. It can be creative, colourful, imaginative and even fun.

IMPORTANT NEWS...sleep or a brief rest after learning something can help you remember it a week later. Even napping can help consolidate memories, and make you more creative to learn SMART..


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